your invitation to look inward
reflections & Journal Prompts

Everything is constantly changing

The teachings of Buddha psychology highlight two essential aspects - mindfulness and compassion. Mindfulness means being aware and fully present in the moment while also gaining a deeper understanding of one's thoughts and emotions. Compassion involves developing empathy and a deep understanding of oneself and others.

Buddha psychology emphasizes the notion of impermanence, meaning that everything is constantly changing. Attachment to things that are impermanent may lead to suffering. Additionally, Buddha psychology teaches the idea of non-self, which suggests no permanent, unchanging self or soul exists.

Cultivate greater peace, happiness, and fulfillment

The teachings of Buddha psychology highlight the significance of meditation, which involves practicing to focus and develop awareness of the mind. By meditating, individuals who follow Buddha psychology can gain a deeper understanding of their own thoughts and perceptions, as well as the world around them.

In short, Buddha psychology is a holistic approach to mental health and well-being that emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, compassion, and insight. It is a practical approach that can be applied to everyday life to help individuals cultivate greater peace, happiness, and fulfillment.