your invitation to look inward
reflections & Journal Prompts


They are the parts of your Self you rejected and disowned.

Your Shadow are the parts of your Self you know nothing about, and when you are in the dark (not conscious) of the feelings you may be experiencing and the beliefs that you hold, you may react to something or someone in a surprising intensity. One that you may even say to your Self “Where did that come from?” You might even think, “That’s not like me” to say or do what you may have just said and done.

The tendency, then, is to pack it away, believe it was a onetime occurrence, something you will not allow yourself to do again.

You put it back into the Shadows, hidden from sight. Banished. Rejected. Forgotten. Rather than face it, face the truth that for those moments, it was you who were feeling those feelings, your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions. For real!

When we don’t take a long, hard, honest look at what is going on. When you don’t ‘investigate’ with loving kindness and compassion for your Self, ask your Self nonjudgmental, “why do I feel this way?”, “What beliefs about my Self and others are playing out here?”, your Shadow parts will fall back into the deep, dark unconsciousness.